Snapshots of Jamaica & A Getaway

Friday, September 30, 2011

So, last Sunday, I was at the Caymanas Golf Course for a tournament. The competitors went off in a shotgun start (all of them at once from different holes) so I had four hours to do some work. Since my dinosaur laptop refused to cooperate, I had time to take pictures. So here goes!

Flowers tend to feature a lot in my writing - and I like them - so it's always a pleasure to get some shots. Something I find weird is that golf has never been a part of any of my stories.  Perhaps subconsciously I keep my writing separate from my work. It might be time to reconsider that. A murder mystery-cum-love story on the golf course might be next on the drawing board...some time after the scads of unfinished projects I have to write. 

Do you ever bring bits of your work to your storyline? 

Have a great weekend, meet some writing goals and meet me back here on Monday! Love to all.